Home Charter Standards


Societies need standards to function correctly.  Even anarchists won't walk up to a Hell's Angel and slap his face just to prove a point.  Standards help us work together for the goals we wish to accomplish.  Knight Exemplar's goals are outlined in the Charter, but the standards reside here.

Click on the numbered lines to expand or close the lists below them.


  1. Joining the Knight Exemplar guild Press to expand or collapse the list below me. (not yet voted in) 
    1. Requirements

      The only requirement of membership in Knight Exemplar is that you be willing to hold to the items laid out in the Charter.  Upon joining, you may be asked to follow the standards below.

    2. Steps to Membership Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
      1. Find a Sponsor - Find a member of Knight Exemplar to act as your sponsor.  A sponsor is someone that will vouch for your dedication to Honor and Duty and give you a helping hand in your training and goals.  Any member except another trainee can be a sponsor.  Once a sponsor announces to the guild their desire to sponsor you, you become a Trainee.  
      2. Get some experience - Once you become a Trainee, you need to work to hard until your 6th year (level 6).  This is to be sure that you are dedicated to the desire to become a Knight and to be sure that you are experienced enough to gain the rights of becoming a sponsor and voting.  Prospective members who are already past their 6th year must spend enough time with their sponsor and at least two other members to show your dedication to the guild.  It is suggested that at least one of these be an officer.
      3. Get voted in - Once you have completed both of the above, it is time for the guild to vote on your membership.  Only the officers are required to vote before you may be allowed in, but the entire guild may vote.  If the vote goes in your favor, you will be a Guest of Honor at the next Membership Event. 
    3. Membership Refusal Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
      1. Trainees may be denied membership if they do not attain level 6 within two months or are found betraying Honor and Duty as laid out in the Charter.
      2. Members may have their membership revoked by guild vote if they are found to be betraying Honor and Duty, as laid out in the Charter.


  2. Voting Press to expand or collapse the list below me. (not yet voted in  : ) 

    From time to time a subject may arise that is not in automatic agreement by guildmembers.  To settle differences in opinion, two methods are available.  Some will have to be settled by the guild officers alone when contention between the disagreeing sides is causing too much strife. Others can be settled by a guild vote, outlined below.

    1. Voting Levels Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
      1. Officer Vote - Officers wield three votes each due to their increased responsibility to the guild.
      2. Knight Vote - Knights wield two votes each for their longstanding dedication.
      3. Squire / Maiden Vote - Squires and Maidens wield one vote each to allow their voice to be heard.
      4. Trainees - Trainees wield no votes.  Aside from not being full members yet, they should be out slapping around rats and fire beetles!  :)
    2. Voting Events Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
      1. New Guild Leader - This requires a full vote from the guild with an 80% majority.
      2. Officer Election - Requires an 80% majority from the officers, and a 70% majority from the guild as a whole
      3. New Guild Member Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
        1. Requires an 80% majority from the officers for acceptance.
        2. All guild members may vote if they so desire.
        3. If an officer is not available to vote, two knights, four squires, or any combination (one knight, two squires) may stand in for the unavailable officer.
      4. Accept or Remove a Standard - Requires a 70% majority from the entire guild
    3. Voting Method Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
      1. Submit a Proposal - A Proposal for a new vote will be put before the Knight Exemplar floor (posted to The Oathstone Tavern Politics)
      2. Second by an Officer Press to expand or collapse the list below me. - At least one officer must Second (by replying with "I second the proposal" in the Subject) the Proposal before votes under it may count
        1. Votes may be submitted before a Proposal is seconded, but if the Proposal expires without a second the vote will not pass no matter what.  In plain language, if it isn't seconded by an officer it won't happen.
        2. An officer my Second a Proposal by replying to the proposal with "I second the proposal" in the subject.
      3. Active Period - Proposals on the floor are active for a period of one month or until unanimous vote.
      4. Finish the Vote Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
        1. Unanimous Vote - If at any time a Proposal gains unanimous vote, it is passed immediately.
        2. Passed by Vote - If a Proposal's month passes, it has been seconded, and has enough votes to qualify, it is marked Closed, Passed, and is moved into either the Standards or Promotions forum.  This is noted by an officer and the thread is moved to Standards.
        3. Refused by Second - If a Proposal's month passes without a Second, the Proposal is marked Closed by an officer and is not passed.  This is noted by an officer and the thread is moved to Standards.
        4. Refused by Vote - If a Proposal's month passes, it has been seconded, but not enough votes to qualify, it is marked Closed by an officer and is not passed.  This is noted by an officer and the thread is moved to Standards.
  3. Titles Press to expand or collapse the list below me. (not yet voted in) 

    Though not required in Knight Exemplar, titles make known a measure of respect and loyalty, both necessary to uphold Honor and Duty.  They also serve to build a good reputation with those outside the guild while showing them who the officers are.

    1. Title Usage Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
      1. Even if you plan on using titles regularly, remember to be sure the person earns your respect before throwing titles around.  Politeness may allow the use of a title if the guildmember is not well known, but do so sparingly unless you know the member well enough to be sure of his/her honor.
      2. Realize that some people are uncomfortable with titles.  If a person requests that you avoid using titles with them, it is a matter of honor to respect their wish.
      3. Also remember that excessive use of a title (and sometimes using it at all) to a person with a lesser title than yours is  be considered impolite. It is best to only use subordinate titles if you are just meeting the person, or wish to make known that they are a member of Knight Exemplar (which of course is an honor in itself).  The one exception is Trainee.  Honorable trainees should expect our aid in attaining membership, but they can also expect a good deal of friendly harrassment until they do.  It just makes gaining membership that much more sweet.
    2. Titles Names Press to expand or collapse the list below me.
      1. Lord / Lady - Officers should be addressed by this title.
        Ex: Growler would be addressed as milord, Lord Growler, or in high formality, Lord Growler Forgehammer.
      2. Knight - Guildmembers having established themselves and attained level 20 or higher should be addressed by Sir.  It may feel uncomfortable to address a female by this title, but it is the proper term for a Knight of either gender.  However, it would also be acceptable to address those above you in the chain of command (your sponsor) as "lord" or "lady".
        Ex:  Shamiss would be addressed as milady or sir Shamiss, or as lady Shamiss to someone she sponsored.
      3. Squire / Maiden - Newly accepted guildmembers go by this title.  It is held until they attain their 20th year (level 20) and become a Knight.
      4. Trainee - Trainees are prospective members who have not yet reached level 6.  Upon reaching level 6 they are granted the title of Squire or Maiden. 


Last updated 18 May, 2000

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For questions or comments about this site contact Keeper of the Chronicles (Astuce Fortissimo)