Home Charter Standards


"That which truly matters in the struggle to achieve knighthood is adherence to the principles of Honor and Duty..."

"...Duty to one's guild and guildmates..."

"...Honor in the field of battle..."

To allay all doubts, here shall now be set forth the tenets of Duty:

  1. Duty to one's guildmates

    1. Guildmembers in need:
      If you perceive a guildmember is in distress, it is your duty to try and assist if possible. (By this I mean you do not have to lavish large sums of money upon them, or if you are low level, you cannot be expected to try and assist with a battle involving a Hill Giant).
    2. Guildmember advancement:
      There are certain races/ classes that do not do well in solo adventures. It is encouraged that you band with other guildmembers in the fulfillment of quests or level advancement. (This does not mean that you must boot someone out of a group to make room, but if there is a guildmember wishing to join a appropriate group level that has a open slot and none of the other party object, please be so kind as to help a fellow guildmate).
    3. Guildmember barter
      Some times it is difficult to get a decent ware for a decent price, or visa versa. This is where your guildmates may come in especially useful. (Ever make a skill item and can’t sell the thing? Or some one tries to pressure tactic you into giving that Greater Lightstone up for 4 plat because no one else is interested? Guildmembers can come in handy at this point)
  2. Duty to one's guild
    1. Guild Skills:
      If you have a particular skill you are working on, it is encouraged that you give the guild first precedence before selling to vendor or other players. This can help foster starting materials for our new members. This also applies to any raw materials needed for the construction of trade items.
    2. Guild duty to members:
      The guild will attempt to purchase any useful wares that a member makes in the fulfillment of their trade skills. (Of course there are few uses for a skewer, or a clay jar...but if a member shows an interest in purchasing it that is another matter). The guild will attempt to outfit new starting members of under the 5th lvl with a decent set of Patchwork armor and possibly a forged weapon, dependant upon availability. Other members above this low level in need of a forged weapon or a set of Reinforced leather armor may purchase such at a considerable discount if the skills and materials are available.

Here are given the tenets of Honor:

  1. Honor of the guildname
    Our guild must live up to its name. Any proven to purposely killsteal, con other players out of money/goods or who try to sell summoned items without first informing the individual of the ramifications of it (that it disappears if you log) will be dealt with swiftly and justly. For without honor towards dealing with others, our guildname is a sham.
  2. Honor in battle:
    As we strive to attain the virtues of knighthood, so shall others strive to better themselves because of our actions. We must set an example that the code of honor is above all. We should be first in battle and last to leave. We should be known as stalwart companions that will not balk at a battle, and will not flee and leave a companion to die alone. We should be known as the finest our kind has to offer and a welcome addition to any party.



Copyright © 2000, Cliff Bramlett. All Rights Reserved.
For questions or comments about this site contact Keeper of the Chronicles (Astuce Fortissimo)